Saturday, July 27, 2024

Is Level 16 (2018) Movie Based on a True Story?


Is Level 16 Based on a True Story? – Level 16” is a Canadian science-fiction thriller film directed by Danishka Esterhazy and released in 2018. Set in a dystopian future, The Vestalis Academy holds several teenage girls captive inside it – run by Miss Brixil. Here they learn obedience and submission while adhering to strict cleanliness, etiquette and morality regulations. The facility is organized into levels, with each level offering rewards that could free them from captivity.

This movie is an intense exploration of power dynamics, manipulation and rebellion. Starring Katie Douglas as Vivien, Celina Martin as Sophia and Sara Canning as Miss Brixil, the movie has been praised for its strong female characters, captivating storyline and thought-provoking themes – making it a must-watch for fans of science-fiction or dystopian thrillers.

People wonder if the “Level 16” movie is based on a true story; if you are one of them, then we have an answer for you.

Is Level 16 a True Story

Is “Level 16” a True Story?

No, the “Level 16” story is not based on a true incident. Danishka Esterhazy, Katharine Montagu and Ken Chubb collaborated to craft an engaging narrative. After graduating from film school in 2006, Danishka conceived the idea for the screenplay and used her creative abilities and excellent writing skills to craft both realistic and metaphoric scripts for this drama film.

The movie’s narrative and overall premise are comparable to those of Kazuo Ishiguro’s 2005 films The Island and Never Let Me Go. Girls learn the “feminine virtues” of obedience and cleanliness at a boarding school without windows while abstaining from vices such as curiosity or fury. Housed together on numbered floors, the girls practice these virtues together. The school management cautions the girls that exposure to airborne pollutants outside can be hazardous, and their education will prepare them for adoption by wealthy individuals who demand “clean” children.

Every girl fears being punished if she violates the rules and is sent downstairs; everyone dreads being humiliated in front of their peers. On Level 10, best friends Vivien and Sophia were washing their faces when Vivien stepped out of line to assist Sophia when she dropped her face cream jar. She is taken away for punishment after screaming in fear and exceeding the allocated time for this behaviour.

After some time, Vivien is transported to Level 16, where she meets Sophia again. Sophia cautions her against taking the daily vitamins as they contain strong sedatives. On the following evening, Miss Brixil, the facility manager, leads Vivien and Olivia into a lounge while pretending they’re asleep; Olivia is selected among these sleeping women by Miss Brixil and purchased by an elderly couple. When returned to their dorm rooms, Vivien attempts to escape but is stopped by an exterior door which requires key cards; more women arrive during the night as more women arrive from the lounge before being brought back at nighttime too. Miss Brixil worries about Alex as a guard and cautions against leaving him alone with them all.

Is Level 16 real Story

Dr. Miro, the facility’s physician, administers a “vaccine” to combat the fever among the girls. Unfortunately, this injection causes severe rashes and seizures in one female patient, eventually releasing her from confinement in a box. After Ava accuses Vivien of being impure, Sophia attempts to assault Alex but is stopped from taking his key card, in turn sending her away in fear.

Miss Brixil and Miro inform the girls of Sophia’s theft of a key card, threatening daily punishments until it is returned. Additionally, Miss Brixil and Miro discuss the school’s financial struggles and the pressure from merciless criminals to produce results in private. At night, Sophia is freed from her sentence by Vivien, who discovers the key card hidden behind Sophia’s headboard. They discover Rita’s body in a filthy surgical room full of other corpses.

Vivien uncovers that Miro runs a skin-transplant clinic out of her lounge, where girls are raised in sterile conditions before having their skin transplanted onto wealthy clients. As she attempts to convince Sophia to leave immediately, Sophia remains determined to help the other women. Finally, Vivien uncovers an exposed film which exposes all about Miro’s business venture – one where women are raised without much care before having their skins transplanted onto wealthy clients.

Sophia attempts to warn the other girls of their imminent danger, despite their initial skepticism. When Miss Brixil provides evidence to support her claims, people accept her. With security guards closing in fast on them, the group ultimately decides to run away. Sophia is injured during the chaos, but she and Vivien find refuge in a shed with a locked door. Miro appears and informs them that their parents sold them off to an institution when they were newborns.

Miro urges Vivien to join him in pursuit of the other women, but she recognizes his deception and cuts herself as a sign of defiance. After Miro is taken away to meet with the operation’s leader, gunshots can be heard immediately, indicating that Miro has likely been executed. After being abandoned in a shed overnight, Belarusian police and emergency services finally come to Sophia and Vivien’s aid the following morning. As they are safely led away, Sophia and Vivien experience rain and sunlight for the first time while holding hands.

Given all these factors, it’s reasonable to conclude Danishka Esterhazy drew inspiration from her favorite movies and combined it with her personal experiences as a woman to create an authentic screenplay. Despite such poignant themes, however, it should be noted that ‘Level 16‘ isn’t based on any real-life events.

You can stream “Level 16” movie on Netflix.

Also Read: True Story Behind Lifetime’s “The Hillsdale Adoption Scam” Movie

Nyra Miller
Nyra Miller
Nyra Miller is the Senior News Writer at Spoiler TV and an avid movie, comic book, and television fan who spends considerable money on collectibles. Aside from being an amazing mother to his two daughters and dog lover, Nyra also loves going to the gym regularly, drinking fine coffee, and enjoying doughnuts with gusto.

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